Workplace Navigator
Nicole Will
Workforce Development Navigator
(937) 499-1639
Serving students in grades K-12 throughout Kettering City Schools. I am dedicated to providing career awareness, exposure, and experiences that will help our students become "future focused."
Our goal is to equip every student with the knowledge and opportunities to explore a variety of career pathways, and throughout the year, we will offer programming such as career speakers, field trips, job shadowing, and work-based learning experience.
District Career Focus Areas (24-25 School Year)
All students K-12 will be exposed to various career pathways throughout this school year. We kicked September off focusing on careers in Skilled Trades and will move into Engineering and Manufacturing careers in October.
All elementary students will have the opportunity to learn about these careers through weekly announcements and career posters.
Middle School and High School students will learn about these careers through weekly lessons, field trips, career speakers, and lunch and learns.
Do you have an upcoming lesson that incorporates career awareness? Please Contact Nicole Will! We hope to start highlighting the already existing great work of our teachers at all grade levels!
Events & Info (24-25 School Year)
The Goal of KCS Workforce Development
Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, KCS Workforce Development strives to equip students at every level with the tools for future success. Our program fosters career awareness in elementary students, career exploration in middle school, and hands-on career experiences in high school. Our ultimate goal is to prepare every student for life beyond graduation and empower them with the skills and knowledge for economic mobility.